Monday, August 11, 2008

UVF Boating with a Billionaire- 6 Aug 2008

So, pretty sweet day. I’m doing an internship with a venture capital fund called University Venture Fund (UVF) and Jim Sorenson (the richest family in the state of Utah) is one of the Board members of our fund. As an office retreat he took us out boating at Echo Lake for the whole day.

Pretty sweet experience, you don’t get many chances to just go chill with a billionaire in your lifetime! Anyway, this was my second time wake boarding and it was fun, we had some good guys and not so good guys at wake boarding, but overall it was a sweet experience.

Jake doing his thing

Jim Sorenson and Jake in the background
Brennen doing his thing
Me, trying to do my think!! LOL

Us, chilling on the boat


L.M. Steimle said...

thats so cooool! i went wakeboarding for the first time like a month ago, it was hard but so fun. but NOT with a billionaire! hahaha sweet stuff. and nice pictures. the first two black and whites are my favorite.

p.s. your friend with you on the last picture is cute!

sasha said...

I loooooooooooooooooove it! I love all your pics. I want your camera. =]

Jun Song said...

haha, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's camera!! ;)