Saturday, November 1, 2008

Love of Photography: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

People say that a picture is worth a thousand words and many reasons can be attributed to it. My love of photography can be explained by this proverb. Photography is a tool that enables us to capture the beauty that is in the eye of a beholder. It enables us to freeze and keep to ourselves the beauty that God has created all around us. Unfortunately, not every beauty that we observe can be capture by photography, but at the same time, photography enables us to capture beauty that our naked eyes cannot observe.

Beauty is what translates a picture into a thousand words. Often times, people ignorantly perceive beauty as only that which we are attracted to, but beauty lies in everything that arouses our emotion. Just like a movie, a play or music can, a picture has the ability to arouse our senses of fear, joy, love, uncertainty, curiosity and more. These emotions are what “a thousand word” is; because emotion is a language that cannot be portrayed simply in few words.

My love of photography is tremendously influenced by this ability to capture that “thousand words” or emotion into a single frame, and share it with others. Having the ability to allow God’s beauty to be seen by others is a highly self-fulfilling experience. I hope through this you have been able to better understand what photography means to me and the beauty that it holds.

Hope you enjoy my photos below and all that's yet to come.



1 comment:

Eun-Jin said...

you make a good point. pictures do around emotions. at the same time, if someone asked me why i liked a picture or what emotions were felt looking at a picture, i wouldn't be able to explain it because a form of art is another medium of expression. it doesn't have words to describe it...