Monday, February 23, 2009

Jun for MUSA President

I have decided to run to be the next President of the Marriott Undergraduate Student Association (MUSA). I have been involved with this organization for over a year now and I feel that I can truly make a difference for all my colleagues in the Marriott school. Please read my election statement below and go to to vote for Jun!! Election is between Feb 25-27

Thank you!

Jun's Election Statement

I am the best qualified candidate to be the next president of MUSA because of my vision and my experiences.

I have a strong belief that the Marriott undergraduate program plays a crucial role in shaping you to become successful leaders in your careers. This belief has motivated me to serve you to ensure that your experiences here at the school will be a perfect balance of spirituality, intellect, and developing life-long leadership skills. I know that MUSA has the resources and the capability to make this possible, and if you vote for me, I will utilize my position as the President to best serve you and the school.

Furthermore, I have been involved with MUSA for over a year, both as Me2You Tutor and VP of Academics. This has helped me gain leadership skills and a great knowledge of the MUSA organization.

Thank you, and vote Jun for President!

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